*** Toxic Drug Alert – Terrace – March 20, 2024 ***

Gitwangak Members in Terrace Be careful There has been an increase in drug poisoning/overdose events in Terrace.  Recognizing that many communities have members travelling in the area of Terrace, this information is being shared broadly.  Please ensure you share this information through your social media and other usual communications pathways. Overdoses have been linked to smoking […]


BC Hydro Planned Power Outage set for April 21, 2024, from 8am to 8pm Work location: Smithers and Hazelton Reason for Outage: Emergent- Replace Structures, River Crossing, Permanent Repair

CN Emergency Bank Armouring Cedarville Backroad

Community Notice.CN will be conducting emergency bank armouring, starting the week of March 20th to 27th at Mile 74.1 on the Bulkley Subdivision(near Cedarville Backroad) just east of the Bridge over the Kitwanga River. The main crossing through the Reserve is at Mile 73.1. The Mile 74.1 Bridge is west of Mile 75Any questions or […]